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St. John the Evangelist School Pre-Kindergarten Program




  • Religious Education
  • Social Skills
  • Early literacy, math, science and social studies
  • Critical thinking and communication with language skills
  • Emotional development combined with individuality
  • Organizational skills 
  • Creativity, music, health and physical education

The curriculum is based on the guidelines of the Diocesan Curriculum and the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks.  Theme based lessons are prepared and implemented with measurable objectives that stimulate each of the developmental domains: language, social and emotional, cognitive and physical.  The children will learn early math and science concepts and will be introduced to a literacy program.  Daily religious lessons will lead the children to understand the basics of the Catholic faith.  Play is a natural way for children to learn; they will have many choices and plenty of time to socialize, explore, cooperate with friends and practice new skills.



Classroom activities will be theme based and will include: religion, language arts, math, science, music and creative muscle movement, art, social studies, dramatic play and manipulative activities. 

  • To meet each child’s physical needs while encouraging independence in self care.
  • To create a relaxed, calm and loving environment, in which self-concept is enhanced, choices are encouraged and self discipline is gained.
  • To provide an atmosphere in which children have respect for others as well as themselves.
  • To allow for a wide variety of activities within a routine where cooperative play is encouraged.  
  • To develop an active curiosity about the world in which the child lives and enthusiasm for learning that will stimulate exploratory behavior and creativity.
  • To maintain an observation system in which a profile will be kept on each child and conferences will be held.



7:30-7:50 Arrival (no arrivals before 7:30, Pre-K children are escorted to the classroom) 

7:50-8:15 Prayer and quiet activity

8:15-8:45 Morning circle time 

8:45-9:45 Centers and art activity 

9:45-9:55 Clean-up/bathroom

9:55-10:20 Snack 

10:20-11:00 Recess 

11:00-11:30 Religion and math


11:30-12:30 Lunch/ rest (1/2 hour)/ bathroom

12:30-1:30 Specials/Language Arts

1:30-2:00 Free play and wrap-up circle with a story 

2:00 Departure (teachers will be with your child at pick-up)

A basic routine is followed each day in order to give the children a sense of security.  The schedule is designed to balance structure and free choice, as well as active and quiet times. This allows the children to feel comfortable in their environment and develop emotional and academic success.  Circle activities in Pre-K will allow for a sharing of ideas, feelings, and problem-solving activities.  Circle time will begin with a discussion of the day’s activities and will also include a story, songs and/or finger plays, weather, calendar and job assignments.  Special activities will include weekly Show and Tell and holiday celebrations.  

About the Teachers Mrs. O’Malley and Mrs. Cavanaugh share a very similar biography.  They are both certified preschool teachers who love this age group and being part of a child’s first learning experience in a school setting.   Both teachers come with many years of experience, Mrs. O’Malley, over 25 years and Mrs. Cavanaugh, more than 20 years. Before coming to Saint John’s, Mrs. O’Malley and Mrs. Cavanaugh led their own preschool classrooms or team taught together for over ten years.  They each have three children and love spending time with their family, their dogs and of course, they are fans of the best football team around, the Patriots.  In their free time, you will find Mrs. Cavanaugh putting on her goggles to swim and Mrs. O’Malley lacing up her sneakers to go for a run.  They both agree that it is most important to provide a warm atmosphere for your children to learn and appreciate the gifts and wonders that God lovingly provides each day. 


Each child needs a full-sized backpack to store his or her things.  At the beginning of the school year each child should have a change of clothes for an unexpected accident (does not have to be a uniform) in a ziplock bag to be left at school.  Label all clothes in this bag, including underwear (2) and socks.  If the clothes are used and sent home, please return within the next school day.  Please have appropriate coats, etc. for playing outdoors.  All outer wear including coats, hats, mittens and boots must be labeled. Pre-K student’s labeled attire consists of designated uniform gym shirts, shorts, sweatshirt and pants.  Sneakers are to be worn for safety purposes.  Birthdays are uniform-free days. We strongly encourage all children to wear a clean mask everyday and send 3 extra masks on the first day of school.



We are a peanut-free school, please read all labels.  Each child needs to bring 2 small healthy snacks (vegetables, fruit, dairy or grain) and a drink for the morning. Each student will need 2 healthy snacks, 2 drinks, and lunch. They will need to bring their lunch in a marked lunch box and include all necessary labeled utensils in their lunch box.  Feel free to send food in a thermos. You can order milk for their lunch on the school portal or a drink should be included in their lunch box. Children staying for the Aftercare Program need an additional snack. 



A blanket your child enjoys may be sent in for our rest period on the first day of the week they attend school, please label the blanket and do not send in a “special” blanket that will be missed. Your child’s blanket will be sent home to be washed at the end of the week. Each child will have their own yoga mat to rest on. The yoga mat is a specific size/type for our classroom and is $10.00 for each child. (Cash or check to St. John the Evangelist School)



Projects will be sent home frequently in your child’s ziplock bag. The bag will be sent home the first day of school with your child’s name on the outside and it should be looked at everyday and then returned for school the next day.  Any sort of communication to the parents or to the teachers will be placed in the plastic bag.  A monthly calendar and newsletter will be sent home outlining the events of the month.  Pre-K will utilize the following communication tools; Gmail, family portal FACTS, ClassDojo, and paper communication. Conferences will be held in October and an optional conference in March.


  • Labeled full-sized backpack with a lunchbox and a change of clothes, in a plastic ziplock bag, blanket, and 3 masks
  • 2 boxes of tissues
  • 3 antibacterial hand/body wipes
  • 4 paper towel rolls
  • 6 glue sticks, 0.77 ounces (large size)
Open House Janu